I am an artist filmmaker who works across video, installation, photography and sound.

     Through my work I explore intensities of experience and the intangible. I often start with dialogue and conversation as a core exploratory process, and through that, embed a connection with people and society within my work. I am interested in how we translate emotion and experience through word, vocal utterance, body and gesture to show how our inner worlds might manifest themselves in physical and auditory ways. 

    I enjoy interdisciplinary working and recent collaborations with choreographers and performers including Cosmin Manolescu, Melanie Wilson and Laura Murphy, have provided rich opportunity to put the human body at the centre of my work.

    My work has been shown internationally in exhibitions and festivals across Europe. I have received awards to produce original public-facing artwork from Arts Council England as well as research and travel awards from the British Council and Creative Europe. In 2022 I received a Develop Your Creative Practice award from ACE. 

    My film work has been commissioned by organisations including the Barbican, Southbank Centre, EUNIC and Kings College London. I currently teach documental practices on MA Environmental Architecture at the Royal College of Art.